Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)

2-A. Corsicana Daily Sun, Tuesday, April 4, 1972 'Texas Treasures' to Keynote State Garden Club Convention "Texas Treasures" will be the keynote of the 44th Annual Spring Convention of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. to be held in Waco April 25th -27th. Hostess group for the Convention will be the Waco Council of Garden Clubs, Mrs. B.R.

Hearn, president. General Convention Chairman will be Mrs. J.B. Todd, with Mrs. Hearn acting as Co-Chairman, according to Mrs.

Robert H. Dooley, president of Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. Delegates will begin arriving in Waco for Registration, Trustees Committee, Finance Committee, Executive Committee and Board of Directors Meetings on April 25th. A pre-convention dinner at Ridgewood Couniry Club will be held on the evening of the 25th when the entertainment will be "An Evening of Comedy with Wayne Wednesday, April 26th, will begin with a breakfast for Nationally Accredited Flower Show Judges and Student Judges followed by the General Assembly at 9:30 a.m. Dr.

Richare Baldauf of University will speak on "A Need for an Ecological Conscience" at Wednesday's luncheon. Dr. Baldauf was chosen "Outstanding Professor in Agriculture at in 1963 and is acutely concerned with the ecological situation that exists today. Clubs competing at the State Bridal Registry Glassware Silver Fireside Gift Shoppe 700 W. 7th Ave.

Social Scene level will be presented with Awards at the Banquet the evening of the 26th. In order to be eligible to compete for a State Award the clubs entries must have scored 95 points or better at the District level. Texas Garden Clubs Scholarship Awards ranging from $300 to $500 will also be presented at the Banquet. A Landscape Design Critics Breakfast on Thursday the 27th will feature the new "How to Grow Garden Club" with the General Assembly that day to include further Awards to clubs in addition to the business session. The afternoon of the 27th will be highlighted by a Youth Communication Luncheon with Awards to Junior, Intermediate and High School gardeners as well as to students for their "Action Against Pollution" entries and the program will feature the Youth Communication Speech Contest Winners.

The luncheon will be followed by a Tour of Waco points of interest and a tea. The Convention will close Thursday night with a Flower Arrangement Banquet. The speaker will be Mrs. Walter Freudenberg, president of the Colorado Federation of Garden Clubs, whose topic will be "Modern and Sculptural arrangements." Mrs. Freudenberg has presented programs in 11 states and taught flower arranging for 9 years, but does not confine all her talents to flower arranging.

She has been active in work with the Symphony, Opera, United Fund, Girl Scouts, in TV and com- BULBS CALADIUM BULBS HAVE ARRIVEDIS THE TIME TO PLANT. CASON'S 415 North 15th 874-3791 mercial art. Among the many honors she has received are an iris named for her, "Dixie Virginia" the first Pompeo Coppini Fine Arts Scholarship at Trinity University in San Antonio, and Oklahoma's "Flower Arranger of the Year" Award. Mrs. Dale Baker, the former Mary Ann Glasgow, has returned to Hampton, Va.

after spending the Easter holidays with her mother, Mrs. Madelyn Glasgow and with Mr. and Mrs. R. T.

Baker. Mrs. Baker is teaching in Hampton's Armstrong Elementary School, and her husband, formerly associated with the Corsicana Daily Sun, is now with the advertising To Enter Fashion College Miss Diana Hinkle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward N.

Hinkle, 1604 N. 25th Corsicana has been accepted by Bauder Fashion College for the fashion merchandising program beginning in September. She will be studying fashion merchandising and finishing and plans a career in that field. During her year at Bauder, Miss Hinkle will be active in field trips to museums, manufactors, display and advertising departments in retail stores, fashion and trade shows, modeling trainee assignments, seasonal proms and social activities. OF A CORSICANA SAVINGS ONE AT THIS TIME OF YEAR QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS MEANS EXTRA SAVINGS TO ALL OUR SAVERS IT'S DIVIDEND TIME AT CORSICANA FEDERAL SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION! Throughout the area thousands of savers are receiving quarterly dividends to strengthen their budgets for the coming months.

NOW is the time for you to join them. Come in soon and let us arrange a savings plan to suit your needs. SAVINGS IN BY THE 10th EARN FROM THE 1ST: TWO TO TEN YEARS 6 MONTH $5,000 MINIMUM MINIMUM OF $1,000 ONE YEAR NO PASS MINIMUM BOOK SAVINGS DEPOSIT COMPOUNDED DAILY PAYABLE QUARTERLY CORSICANA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF SAFETY YOUR SAVINGS 109 North Main INSURED VP TO SERVING THE GOLDEN CIRCLE SINCE 1933 department of the Daily PressTimes Herald of Newport News. The Nineteenth Century Club will meet Thursday at 3:45 p.m. in the home of Mrs.

Robert Mertz. Program participants will be Mrs. J. M. Dyer and Mrs.

J. N. Wheelock, who will review "Clare Booth Luce" by Stephen Shadegg. Mr. and Mrs.

Rufus B. Massey have returned from California, where they traveled along the coastal area, stopping in San Diego and other points of interest and also stayed at Casa de Leonordo Ranch near Santa Ana. Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W.

Pollard were Mr. and Mrs. Benny Parrish, Tim and Gretchen of Dallas. Mrs. Hazel Pitco*ck will present an illustrated travelogue on her recent visit to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as the program feature of the April meeting of the Tune 'n' Fork Club to be held Thursday at 7 p.m.

at Kinsloe House. The presentation will include a program of organ music during the dinner hour, and Mr. and Mrs. J. S.

Tekell will preside. Members are requested to make reservations for themselves and their guests by noon Wednesday. Muses of love and lyric poetry will be saluted in the Nevin Club's April program Saturday at 3 p.m. at Kinsloe House. Program participants include Mrs.

C. E. Beene, organist, Mrs. Harrison Sloan, pianist, Mmes. Dorothy Quaite Little and O.

W. Holmes, duo-pianist, Mrs. Grover Pearson, soprano, Miss Mabel Bonner, reader, and Miss Marie Waltman, pianist. Miss Helen Bonner will present the hymn-ofthe-month, and Mrs. R.

L. Thigpin will preside. Mrs. Gary Towers will preside for the Tuesday meeting of Alpha Theta Iota Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, to be held at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs.

Sam Humphries at 607 Stanford. Mrs. Edward Holmes will be co-hostess, and the program will be presented by Mrs. Sam Cooper. Corsicana Odd Fellow Lodge No.

63 will sponsor an All Star Country Music Show by the Brazos Valley Folks Friday at 8 p.m. in the Drane Middle School Auditorium. Tickets at $1.50 for adults and 75 cents for children may be purchased from any member of the IOOF Lodge or Home Rebekah Lodge No. 128. Proceeds will benefit the building fund for a new local lodge hall.

The Roane Community Homecoming will begin with a dance at 7 p.m. April 29 at Carmack Watkins recreational center located on the old Roane Road across from Chambers Creek. At 1 p.m. April 30 a buffet luncheon will be catered by Bonners. Plate prices are $2.00 for adults and $1.40 for children.

Persons from Roane and surrounding communities are invited to attend. Reservations are made by contacting Mrs. Vernon Frazier, Route 5, Corsicana. The Past Noble Grands Club of Home Rebekah Lodge No. 128, of which Miss Inez Compton is president, will meet April 18 at 7:30 p.m.

at Kinsloe House. Mrs. Alberta Fortner will be in charge of the installation of new officers for the coming year, to be headed by Mrs. Aggie Bell Burns as president. Members of Home Rebekah Lodge No.

128 who wish to attend the installation meeting are requested to make reservations with Mrs. Fortner or Mrs. Burns by 9 a.m. Monday, April 17. GRIFFIN FUNERAL HOME AMBULANCE SERVICE DAY OR NIGHT PHONE 874-4774 WE HONOR ALL INSURANCE POLICIES 00 Texas DAR Essay Winner Tim Williamson, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Gerald Williamson, and an eighth grade student at Collins Middle School, won first place in the Texas Daughters of the American Revolution essay contest and was honored last week by the Texas Society, DAR, at its annual conference held in Houston. Tim's essay on "How My State Acquired Its took first place in the local contest at Collins Middle School sponsored by James Blair Chapter, DAR. Miss Sarah Holman, chapter historian, presented a certificate of award on behalf of the chapter to Tim in recent ceremonies at the school. She was also in Houston to see him receive the state award.

They are shown here with Collins Principal J. H. Compton. (Sun Photo by Gene McDonald) Blair Chapter Wins Awards At Texas DAR Conference Tim Williamson, an eighth grade student at Collins Middle School in Corsicana, was the state winner in the DAR American History Essay Contest conducted in February by James Blair Chapter. Miss Sarah Holman, chapter historian, was in charge of the contest.

The subject of the essays this year was "'How My State Acquired Its Name." Tim was present in Houston to receive his award when the Texas Society, Daughters of the American Revolution, met in Houston March 27-29 for its-73rd annual state conference at the Houston Oaks Hotel. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Williamson and an 8th grade student at Collins Middle School. Other awards won by James Blair chapter included first in the state in DAR Service to Veteran Patients, with Mrs.

Fred Upchurch as committee chairman. Mrs. Upchurch also is State Vicechairman, Division 4, DAR Service for Veteran Patients. Other members on Mrs. Upchurch's committee were the Mmes.

Paul Sloan, Clinton M. Copeland, N. Suttle Roberts, William Clarkson, Guy Love, R. E. Montfort, Ernest Strange, Van Hook Stubbs, and the Misses Sarah Holman and Jeanne Gross.

The chapter also was given an award of merit for excellence in public relations, Mrs. Clinton M. Copeland and Mrs. Charlie Wallis, co-chairmen. The -eight chapters of Division 5 were hostesses for the conference.

All meetings were in the Houston Oaks Hotcl, a beautiful new high rise structure. Mrs. Ford Hubbard, state regent of the Texas Society, presided at all business sessions. Mrs. Hubbard is a member of John McKnitt Alexander chapter of Haitian Needlework To Be Shown Here The magnificent Haitian needlework shown at a few places in Texas in the past several years will be on display in Corsicana Wednesday, April 19, from 1:30 to 4 p.m.

in the Parish Hall of St. John's Episcopal Church. The needlework project was inaugurated by Sister Marie Pia, a Catholic nun of the Belgian Order of Filles de Marie (Daughters of Mary), who was in charge of a workshop in her convent in Port au Prince, Haiti, in which Haitian women were hired to make beautiful embroidery. Since it is said there are 50 people available for each job in Haiti, it was Sister Pia's dream to provide work for her people, to help them to help themselves. In 1967, when there were 20 women employed in her workshop, the shy nun made her first trip to the United States, looking for additional orders.

Orders were taken in Texas, Tennessee and Washington, D.C., and today there are 125 women employed in the workshop. Unfortunately, Sister Pia was killed in an automobile accident in Haiti in March 1971. The convent decided to keep the workshop open as a memorial to her. She had trained her good friend from school days, Ramonde Dambreville, to be her assistant. Miss Dambreville is CALL YELLOW CAB PHONE 874-4741 Late model radio equipped cabs Clean courteous drivers, prompt service Out of town trips invited Day and night service GOOD THIS COUPON FOR ON FARE.

One coupon to each fare The annual Memorial Service for members who had died during the past year was conducted on Monday, March 27, under the direction of Mrs. Lewis Patrick O'Neill, state chaplain. Three members of James Blair chapter were memorialized. These included Mrs. W.

R. Sneed, Mrs. C. M. Gillespie, and Mrs.

John C. Calhoun. Three additional members not memorialized the previous year were Mrs. Lonnie Beasley, Miss Rubye Miller and Miss Elizabeth Harllee. At the Monday evening session distinguished visitors were introduced.

These included Mrs. Donald Spicer, President General, NSDAR, Mrs. Wakelee Rawson Smith, Corresponding Secretary General, NSDAR, and the following state regents: Mrs. Leslie O. Carlin, Michigan; Miss Martha Cooper, Georgia; Mrs.

Norman Hall DeMent, Ohio; Mrs. Elois T. Jenkins, District of Columbia; Mrs. C. Mower Singley, South Carolina, and Mrs.

Jacob W. Vorous, Maryland. After a musical interlude, a reception was held honoring the distinguished guests. Mrs. Wakelee R.

Smith was speaker at the General Conference luncheon on Tuesday. carrying on the work and will conduct the spring tour this year. The linens are of the finest quality material and workmanship. The workers use Belgian and Italian linen, Swiss organdy and Haitian cotton as well as drip-dry easy care fabrics fro the United States. There are traditional designs of cutwork and shadow stitch, as well as many modern designs.

There are beautiful butterflies, birds and animals worked into the designs. Linens are also designed to order, to match china patterns, wallpaper or upholstery designs. The prices are low because labor in Haiti costs about ten cents an hour; the linens therefore cost about a third to half the cost if produced in the United States--if handmade linens were available here. The needlework display in Corsicana is not sponsored by a particular group, but Mrs. Ned Polk and Mrs.

Dean Milkes both own some of the beautiful work and invite the public to attend the showing. Mrs. Phyllis Schlafly, Past National Chairman American History Month Committee, was the featured speaker at the National Defense Evening dinner. She was introduced by Mrs. Jesse M.

DeWare, III, State Chairman National Defense Committee, of Jefferson, who is a member of Martha McCraw chapter. The Chapter Regents Banquet held on Wednesday evening, honored Mrs. Spicer, President General, NSDAR, who spoke on "DAR Vision--F Past, Present and Future." Members of James Blair chapter attending the conference were: Mrs. H. Reynaud Stroube, State Curator; Mrs.

Albert B. Horn, State Chairman DAR Schools; Mrs. Charles Rankin, Regent of the chapter, Mrs. John H. Montfort, regent-elect; Miss Sarah Holman, chapter Historian; Mrs.

W. A. Lang, and Miss Florence Holman. Mrs. Clinton M.

Copeland and Mrs. Fred Upchurch were unable to attend due to illness. Mrs. McCulloch Class Hostess The Mary-Martha Sunday School Class of Westside Baptist Church held its March meeting in the home of Mrs. Lorean McCulloch.

The outreach leader, Mrs. Maggie Dill, presided and led the opening prayer. During the regular business session, Mrs. McCulloch CENTRAL MONUMENT EVERLASTING QUALITY MONUMENTS 2300 West 2nd Ave. Phone 874-7806 presented the secretarial report, and cards were signed to be sent to members who were ill.

Gifts were exchanged by class members. Mrs. Letha Bone presented the devotion entitled "Help citing scriptures from Second Chronicles and Psalms. Mrs. McCulloch led the dismissal prayer.

During the social hour which followed, the hostess served a refreshment plate consisting of cheese and crackers, ice cream, coffee and cold drinks. It was announced that the April meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Dill..

Corsicana Daily Sun from Corsicana, Texas (2024)
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