90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (2024)

Looking for a fun way to challenge young minds?Kids triviais the perfect blend of learning and entertainment, offering children a chance to test their knowledge across a variety of topics. Whether you’re planning a family game night or need some engaging questions for the classroom, this collection of trivia is sure to spark curiosity and encourage learning in a playful way.

From simple questions that get the ball rolling to more challenging ones that make them think, thesekids triviaquestions are designed to suit different age groups and difficulty levels.

How to Run a Kids Trivia Game in PowerPoint with ClassPoint

Getting Started with ClassPoint

  • Download and install ClassPoint by signing up for free.
  • After installation, the Inknoe ClassPoint tab will appear on your PowerPoint ribbon.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (1)
  • Log in using the credentials you created during sign-up.

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Setting Up Your Question Slides

To run quizzes in PowerPoint using ClassPoint, you’ll need to prepare your question slides as you would for a regular PowerPoint presentation. The key difference is that ClassPoint makes these slides interactive with embeddable quiz buttons, turning them into a playable game!
  • Prepare your question slides using the provided list of kids’ trivia questions and answers.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (2)
  • For a kids’ trivia game, use multiple-choice-type questions. Insert a Multiple Choice ClassPoint button from your PowerPoint ribbon.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (3)
  • After inserting the button, set up the question settings in the side panel, where you can specify the number of choices and correct answers.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (4)

Running the Kids Trivia MCQs in Slide Show

  • Invite your participants to join the session by visitingclasspoint.appusing the class code displayed in the top-right corner of your screen.
  • Once participants have joined, click on the Multiple Choice quiz button you inserted earlier to start the quiz.
When you click the quiz button, your PowerPoint slide will be sent to your participants’ devices, allowing them to answer. Their submissions will be sent back to your PowerPoint in real-time.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (5)
  • After receiving the responses, close submissions and reveal the correct answer. Award stars to those who answered correctly, based on the difficulty level of the question.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (6)

Bonus: Automate Your Kids Trivia MCQs with Quiz Mode (Pro Feature)

  • With ClassPoint Pro, you can automate your MCQ quiz questions using Quiz Mode. Simply tick the checkbox for ‘Quiz Mode’ on in the side panel question settings while setting up your slides.
  • Assign difficulty levels, with each level corresponding to a specific number of stars.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (7)
  • Run the quiz in slide show mode, and stars will be automatically awarded based on the difficulty level you’ve set.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (8)
  • Once the quiz is finished, access a quiz summary and/or download an exportable Excel report to track how students performed.
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (9)
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (10)

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Play this Kids Trivia game in PowerPoint with 10x more interactivity when you download ClassPoint for free.

Kids Trivia Questions and Answers Across 3 Difficulty Levels

Playable Kids Trivia PowerPoint Game

Grab your free PowerPoint file, fully equipped with interactive features for a gamified quiz experience.

Easy Kids Trivia Questions and Answers

90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (11)
  1. What is the color of the sky on a clear day?
    a) Red
    b) Green
    d) Yellow
  2. How many days are there in a week?
    a) 5
    b) 6
    d) 8
  3. Which animal is known as the king of the jungle?
    a) Elephant
    c) Tiger
    d) Bear
  4. What is 2 + 2?
    a) 3
    b) 5
    c) 1
  5. Which planet is closest to the sun?
    a) Mars
    b) Earth
    d) Venus
  6. What do bees make?
    a) Butter
    b) Cheese
    d) Bread
  7. What is the largest mammal in the world?
    a) Elephant
    b) Giraffe
    c)Blue Whale
    d) Hippopotamus
  8. How many continents are there?
    a) 5
    b) 6
    d) 8
  9. What is the capital of France?
    a) Rome
    b) London
    d) Madrid
  10. Which shape has three sides?
    a) Square
    b) Rectangle
    c) Circle
  11. What is the name of Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend?
    a) Daisy
    c) Belle
    d) Snow White
  12. What is the main ingredient in bread?
    a) Sugar
    b) Salt
    d) Water
  13. How many legs does a spider have?
    a) 6
    c) 4
    d) 10
  14. Which vegetable is known to make you cry when you cut it?
    a) Carrot
    c) Tomato
    d) Cucumber
  15. What is the name of the toy cowboy in Toy Story?
    a) Buzz
    c) Rex
    d) Slinky
  16. Which holiday is celebrated on December 25th?
    a) Halloween
    b) Easter
    d) Thanksgiving
  17. What do caterpillars turn into?
    a) Frogs
    c) Birds
    d) Fish
  18. What is the name of the pirate in Peter Pan?
    a) Blackbeard
    b)Captain Hook
    c) Long John Silver
    d) Jack Sparrow
  19. How many hours are there in a day?
    a) 12
    c) 48
    d) 36
  20. What fruit is known for keeping the doctor away?
    a) Orange
    b) Banana
    d) Grape
  21. What fruit is known for having seeds on the outside?
    a) Banana
    b) Apple
    c) Strawberry
    d) Grape
  22. What is the smallest ocean in the world?
    a) Atlantic
    b) Indian
    c) Pacific
  23. Which instrument has black and white keys?
    a) Violin
    b) Piano
    c) Drum
    d) Guitar
  24. Which superhero can climb up walls and buildings?
    a) Superman
    c) Batman
    d) Iron Man
  25. What is the first letter of the alphabet?
    a) B
    c) C
    d) D
  26. Which animal is known for its long neck?
    a) Elephant
    c) Kangaroo
    d) Zebra
  27. What’s the name of the river that runs through Egypt?
    a) Amazon
    c) Mississippi
    d) Ganges
  28. What do you call a baby dog?
    a) Kitten
    b) Calf
    d) Chick
  29. How many wheels does a tricycle have?
    b) 2
    c) 4
    d) 5
  30. What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?
    a) Cinderella
    b) Belle
    c)Tinker Bell
    d) Ariel

Medium Kids Trivia Questions and Answers

90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (12)
  1. What is the capital of Japan?
    a) Seoul
    c) Beijing
    d) Bangkok
  2. Which mammal is known for having a pouch to carry its young?
    a) Elephant
    b) Kangaroo
    c) Dolphin
    d) Giraffe
  3. What is the chemical symbol for water?
    a) CO2
    b) H2O2
    d) O2
  4. How many bones are in the human body?
    a) 205
    c) 210
    d) 220
  5. What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
    a) Gold
    b) Iron
    d) Silver
  6. Which famous scientist developed the theory of relativity?
    a) Isaac Newton
    b)Albert Einstein
    c) Galileo Galilei
    d) Nikola Tesla
  7. What is the tallest breed of dog in the world?
    a) Bulldog
    b) Beagle
    c) Great Dane
    d) Poodle
  8. Which country is famous for inventing pizza?
    a) France
    b) Spain
    c) Greece
    d) Italy
  9. Which part of the plant conducts photosynthesis?
    a) Root
    b) Stem
    c) Leaf
    d) Flower
  10. What natural phenomenon is measured by the Richter scale?
    a) Tornadoes
    b) Earthquakes
    c) Hurricanes
    d) Tsunamis
  11. Who wrote the play ‘Romeo and Juliet’?
    a) Charles Dickens
    b) Mark Twain
    c)William Shakespeare
    d) Jane Austen
  12. What is the main gas found in the air we breathe?
    a) Oxygen
    c) Carbon dioxide
    d) Hydrogen
  13. Which country is famous for the Eiffel Tower?
    a) Italy
    c) Spain
    d) Germany
  14. Who painted the Mona Lisa?
    a) Vincent van Gogh
    b) Pablo Picasso
    c)Leonardo da Vinci
    d) Claude Monet
  15. What is the largest desert in the world?
    a) Sahara
    b) Gobi
    c)Antarctic Desert
    d) Kalahari
  16. What is the boiling point of water?
    a) 0°C
    b) 50°C
    d) 200°C
  17. Which two colors make green?
    a) Red and Blue
    b)Blue and Yellow
    c) Yellow and Red
    d) Red and Green
  18. What is the main ingredient in guacamole?
    a) Tomato
    c) Onion
    d) Lemon
  19. What is the currency of the United Kingdom?
    a) Euro
    b) Dollar
    d) Franc
  20. Which organ pumps blood through the body?
    a) Brain
    b) Lungs
    d) Kidney
  21. Which animal is the tallest in the world?
    a) Elephant
    b) Kangaroo
    d) Rhinoceros
  22. What is the main language spoken in Spain?
    a) French
    b) Italian
    c) Portuguese
  23. Which planet has a ring system?
    b) Jupiter
    c) Neptune
    d) Mars
  24. Which organ is responsible for detoxifying chemicals in the body?
    a) Heart
    b) Lungs
    d) Kidney
  25. What is the fastest land animal?
    a) Lion
    c) Leopard
    d) Horse
  26. What do bees collect from flowers to make honey?
    a) Water
    b) Seeds
    c) Nectar
    d) Pollen
  27. Which famous ship sank on its maiden voyage in 1912?
    a) Lusitania
    b) Mayflower
    c) Bismarck
  28. Which country is home to the kangaroo?
    a) New Zealand
    c) Papua New Guinea
    d) South Africa
  29. What is the smallest country in the world?
    a) Monaco
    b) San Marino
    c)Vatican City
    d) Liechtenstein
  30. Who invented the telephone?
    a) Thomas Edison
    b) Nikola Tesla
    c)Alexander Graham Bell
    d) Samuel Morse

Hard Kids Trivia Questions and Answers

90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (13)
  1. What is the primary function of the roots of a plant?
    a) To absorb sunlight
    b) To produce flowers
    c) To absorb water and nutrients
    d) To attract pollinators
  2. Which insect is known for its ability to produce light?
    a) Dragonfly
    b) Bee
    c) Firefly
    d) Ant
  3. Which is the largest living bird by wingspan?
    a) Eagle
    b) Albatross
    c) Andean Condor
    d) Ostrich
  4. Which famous scientist discovered penicillin?
    a)Alexander Fleming
    b) Louis Pasteur
    c) Marie Curie
    d) Jonas Salk
  5. What is the longest bone in the human body?
    a) Spine
    b) Humerus
    d) Tibia
  6. Which element has the chemical symbol ‘Au’?
    a) Silver
    c) Aluminum
    d) Iron
  7. What is the smallest unit of life?
    a) Atom
    b) Molecule
    d) Organ
  8. What natural phenomenon is characterized by a colorful display in the sky, often seen in polar regions?
    a) Rainbow
    b) Aurora Borealis
    c) Sunset
    d) Lightning
  9. Which two elements make up water?
    a) Oxygen and Carbon
    b) Nitrogen and Hydrogen
    c)Hydrogen and Oxygen
    d) Carbon and Nitrogen
  10. Which famous structure was originally built as a mausoleum and is now one of the Seven Wonders of the World?
    a) Colosseum
    b) Taj Mahal
    c) Great Pyramid of Giza
    d) Petra
  11. Which continent is known as the “Dark Continent”?
    a) Asia
    b) South America
    d) Australia
  12. What is the study of the weather called?
    a) Geology
    b) Astronomy
    d) Ecology
  13. What is the main ingredient in traditional Japanese miso soup?
    a) Tofu
    b)Miso paste
    c) Seaweed
    d) Rice
  14. Which ancient civilization built the pyramids?
    a) Mesopotamian
    c) Greek
    d) Roman
  15. Which famous explorer discovered America in 1492?
    a) Marco Polo
    b)Christopher Columbus
    c) Ferdinand Magellan
    d) Vasco da Gama
  16. What is the tallest mountain in the world?
    a) K2
    b)Mount Everest
    c) Kilimanjaro
    d) Denali
  17. What is the currency of China?
    a) Yen
    b) Dollar
    d) Rupee
  18. Which element is a diamond made of?
    a) Silicon
    c) Nitrogen
    d) Oxygen
  19. What is the largest island in the world?
    a) Borneo
    b) Madagascar
    c) New Guinea
  20. Which planet has the most moons?
    a) Mars
    c) Saturn
    d) Uranus
  21. Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
    a) Buzz Aldrin
    b)Neil Armstrong
    c) Yuri Gagarin
    d) John Glenn
  22. What is the main ingredient in hummus?
    a) Lentils
    c) Beans
    d) Peas
  23. Which ancient Greek philosopher was the teacher of Alexander the Great?
    a) Socrates
    c) Plato
    d) Pythagoras
  24. What is the term for animals that are active during the day?
    a) Nocturnal
    b) Crepuscular
    c) Diurnal
    d) Hibernating
  25. Which musical instrument is known for its use in jazz and has a slide to change pitch?
    a) Saxophone
    b) Trombone
    c) Trumpet
    d) Violin
  26. Which U.S. state is the Grand Canyon located in?
    a) Utah
    c) Nevada
    d) Colorado
  27. What is the capital of Australia?
    a) Sydney
    b) Melbourne
    d) Brisbane
  28. What is the most spoken language in the world?
    a) English
    b) Spanish
    c)Mandarin Chinese
    d) Hindi
  29. Which bird is known for its impressive memory and ability to mimic sounds?
    a) Eagle
    c) Crow
    d) Owl
  30. Which country hosted the first modern Olympic Games?
    b) France
    c) USA
    d) Italy

Playable Kids Trivia PowerPoint Game

Grab your free PowerPoint file, fully equipped with interactive features for a gamified quiz experience.

Wrapping Up

Engaging kids with trivia is a fantastic way to make learning fun and memorable. Whether you’re using tools like ClassPoint to enhance the experience or simply asking questions around the dinner table, trivia can be a great way to connect with kids and inspire their imaginations.

Incorporating interactive tools like ClassPoint into your presentations can transform ordinary sessions into dynamic and engaging experiences. By blending technology with learning, you create an environment where participants are more involved and enthusiastic about the material being presented. This approach not only enhances the overall educational experience but also fosters a sense of collaboration and fun.

Make These Questions Playable in PowerPoint with ClassPoint

Play this Kids Trivia game in PowerPoint with 10x more interactivity when you download ClassPoint for free.

As you continue to create memorable learning experiences, remember that the joy of discovery is what makes learning truly impactful. Keep the energy light, the questions diverse, and most importantly, make sure that fun is at the heart of every activity.

Check out more questions lists with downloadable templates here! 👇🏻

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150 Fun Fill in the Blank Game Questions Across Different Categories (Free Downloadable Template Available!)
90 Fun Kids Trivia Questions (With Answers + Downloadable) | ClassPoint (2024)


What are some fun trivia questions for kids? ›

101 Fun Trivia Questions for Kids
  • What is the largest mammal on Earth? (Answer: Blue whale)
  • Which bird is known for its vibrant plumage and can mimic human speech? (Answer: Parrot)
  • What is the only mammal capable of true flight? (Answer: Bat)
  • What is a group of lions called? (Answer: A pride)
Feb 4, 2024

What is 20 questions for kids hard? ›

20 Questions to Ask your Children
  • What do you want to be when you grow up?
  • What is your favorite place in the world?
  • What makes you happy?
  • If you opened a store, what would you sell?
  • If you could be any animal, what kind would you be?
  • What would you do if you made the rules at home?

What are some fun and easy trivia questions? ›

50 Best Trivia Questions for Kids With Answers – 2024 Edition
  • What is the largest mammal in the world? ...
  • Which planet is known as the Red Planet? ...
  • What is the capital city of France? ...
  • What popular dining franchise is the founder of Atari responsible for? ...
  • How many continents are there in the world?
May 7, 2024

What are some good family trivia questions? ›

Try these:
  • How many teeth does an adult human have? ...
  • What is the largest known living land animal? ...
  • What are animals that eat both meat and plants called? ...
  • How many elements are in the periodic table? ...
  • What is the world's largest ocean? ...
  • What temperature does water boil? ...
  • What is the largest internal organ in the human body?
Jun 11, 2024

What are 5 trivia questions? ›

General knowledge
  • How many time zones are there in Russia? ( ...
  • What's the national flower of Japan? ( ...
  • How many stripes are there on the US flag? ( ...
  • What's the national animal of Australia? ( ...
  • How many days does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun? (

What are some awkward questions that kids often ask? ›

How to Answer 5 Awkward Questions that Kids Ask
  • 'Where do babies come from? ' This is a question that almost all children ask. ...
  • 'What are those noises you make? ' ...
  • 'Mummy, why is there blood in your knickers? ' ...
  • 'Is that person a man or a woman? ' ...
  • 'Is that lady going to have a baby? '
Jun 4, 2022

What are the hardest kids questions? ›

Tough Questions Kids Ask & How to Answer Them
  • #1. Why are there so many languages in the world?
  • #2. Why do we have to always cover our private parts?
  • #3. How are babies made?
  • #4. Why is that person homeless?
  • #5. Why do adults sometimes cry when they are too happy?
  • #6. Why can't I sleep late as you do?
  • #7. ...
  • #8.
Mar 19, 2024

What are cool trivia facts? ›

Bet you didn't know.....
  • It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. ...
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

What are some unusual trivia questions? ›

Fun unique trivia questions and answers
  • What is the smallest bone in the human body? ( ...
  • What country has a unicorn as part of its national emblem? ( ...
  • What is the weirdest thing to win the Nobel prize? ( ...
  • Approximately how many languages are written from right to left? (
Jul 12, 2022

What are 10 trivia questions? ›

General knowledge trivia questions and answers
  • Who, in 1903, was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? ...
  • What year did the Berlin Wall fall? ...
  • What element does the chemical symbol Au stand for? ...
  • What is the sign directly opposite Scorpio in the zodiac? ...
  • Who wrote the classic American novel Their Eyes Were Watching God?
Apr 8, 2024

What are 20 questions for kids? ›

The classic guessing game 20 Questions is a simple yet effective way to keep kids engaged and having fun. The goal? To figure out what person, place, object, food, or animal the “it” player is thinking of.

What are open questions for kids? ›

Open-ended questions encourage a child to give a full answer, rather than a simple “yes” or “no” response. Open-ended questions often begin with the following words: “why,” “how,” “what,” “describe,” “tell me about...,” or “what do you think about...”

What are some good common trivia questions? ›

My 40 great example questions for hosting your first quiz
  • How many time zones are there in Russia? ( ...
  • What's the national flower of Japan? ( ...
  • How many stripes are there on the US flag? ( ...
  • What's the national animal of Australia? ( ...
  • How many days does it take for the Earth to orbit the Sun? (

What are fun fact questions? ›

Fun Facts & Silly Questions
  • What time do you wake up in the morning? ...
  • If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be? ...
  • What's your favorite color? ...
  • What is your dream car? ...
  • What is your favorite outfit? ...
  • What is your favorite TV show? ...
  • What do you usually have for breakfast?
Mar 19, 2024

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 6137

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (49 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.