44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (2024)

This collection of engaging number activities is designed to make counting, number recognition, and basic math concepts fun and accessible for preschoolers and toddlers.

From interactive counting games and hands-on sorting challenges to creative number crafts, these activities transform abstract numerical ideas into concrete, enjoyable experiences.

By incorporating play and everyday objects, these exercises lay the foundation for mathematical thinking in a way that’s both natural and exciting for young learners.

Contents show

1. Nancy Number Face

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (1)

This activity, Nancy Number Face, involves creating facial expressions using numerical values assigned to different features of a face, such as eyes, nose, and mouth.

Learn more: How we learn

2. Number Towers

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (2)

Number Towers, using number cups, is an engaging activity where children stack cups labeled with numerical values to build towers. Each cup represents a different number, and children arrange them in ascending or descending order to construct their tower cups.

Learn more: Activity Mom

3. Using Connect the Dots Printables to Teach Numbers

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (3)

Using connect the dots printables to teach numbers is a dynamic educational tool that combines fun and learning. Children connect the dots in numerical order, forming shapes or pictures, while simultaneously reinforcing number recognition and sequencing skills.

Learn more: Fun Learning for Kids

4. Number Puzzles

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (4)

This activity involves matching number cards with corresponding circles representing quantities. It’s a simple yet effective way to reinforce number recognition and understanding of numerical quantities in young learners.

Learn more: Math Kids and Chaos

5. Number Chain Made from Toilet Paper Tubes

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (5)

This activity, Number Chain Made from Toilet Paper Tubes, involves creating a physical representation of a number chain using toilet paper tubes labeled with consecutive numbers.

Learn more: Hands on as we grow

6. Cotton Ball Apple Tree Counting

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (6)

This activity involves counting cotton balls placed on an apple tree picture. Teachers should introduce it to students as it promotes early math skills, such as counting and number recognition, in a fun and engaging way.

Learn more: Happy Toddler Play Time

7. Number Pocket Game

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (7)

This activity entails a number pocket game using popsicle sticks. By engaging in hands-on activities like inserting sticks into labeled pockets, students actively participate in counting and identifying numbers.

Learn more: Toddler Approved

8. Stuffed Felt Numbers

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (8)

This activity involves creating stuffed felt numbers. These felt numbers can serve as versatile teaching aids, facilitating various math-related activities and games in the classroom.

Learn more: How we learn

9. Caterpillar Pompom Counting

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (9)

This activity involves counting pompoms to create a caterpillar. By arranging pompoms to form a caterpillar, students practice one-to-one correspondence and basic math concepts. This activity can be adapted for different levels of difficulty, allowing for individualized learning experiences.

Learn more: Happy Toddler Play Time

10. Hot Chocolate Counting Sensory Bag

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (10)

This activity involves creating a sensory bag filled with hot chocolate-themed materials for counting. Teachers should introduce it to students as it combines sensory exploration with mathematical learning. By manipulating the materials inside the bag, such as marshmallows or cocoa beans, students engage their senses while practicing counting and basic math skills.

Learn more: Happy Toddler Play Time

11. Apple Tree Q-Tip Counting

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (11)

This activity involves using Q-tips to count apples on an apple tree picture. . By dipping Q-tips in paint or ink and then placing them on the apple tree, students engage in a hands-on learning experience that reinforces numerical concepts.

Learn more: Happy Toddler Play Time

12. Snack Math Activity

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (12)

This activity involves using snacks for math-related exercises. e. By incorporating snacks like crackers, fruits, or candies, students can practice counting, addition, subtraction, and even basic fractions in a hands-on manner.

Learn more: Fun a Day

13. Roll and Dot the Number Math Activity

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (13)

Students roll the dice, then dot or color in the corresponding number on a sheet with that number of dots. This activity, Roll and Dot the Number Math Activity, is a fun and engaging way for students to practice number recognition and counting skills. To set it up, simply provide dice and markers.

Learn more: Fun Learning for Kids

14. Easy DIY Math Fishing Game

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (14)

The Easy DIY Math Fishing Game using paper with holes is a delightful and interactive way to reinforce math skills. Begin by creating fish-shaped cutouts with numbers written on them an

Learn more: Taming Little Monster

15. Number Activity Mats

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (15)

With materials like laminated mats, counters, and dry-erase markers, students can interact with numbers through various hands-on exercises such as counting objects, matching numerals, or solving simple equations.

Learn more: Early Learning Ideas

16. Tracing Numbers on Tape

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (16)

Create large numbers on the tape, leaving enough space between each digit for tracing. Then, stick the tape onto a smooth surface, such as a table or floor.

Learn more: Hands on as we grow

17. Find the Number and Pop It

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (17)

Write numbers on individual bubbles of a large sheet of bubble wrap. Spread the bubble wrap out on the floor or a table. Participants then search for specific numbers and, upon finding them, pop the corresponding bubble.

As they pop the bubble, they can say the number out loud or engage in a related math activity, such as counting objects or solving simple equations.

Learn more: Hands on as we grow

18. Q-tip Number Tracing Activity

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (18)

To set up, provide children with a sheet of paper with large letters or shapes drawn on it. Dip the tip of a Q-tip in paint or ink, then have the children trace over the outlines of the letters or shapes using the Q-tip.

Learn more: Toddler at Play

19. Water Balloon Target Practice

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (19)

Fill water balloons and have participants take turns throwing them at the targets. Each successful hit earns points or rewards. It’s perfect for parties, picnics, or backyard play.

Learn more: Motherhood on a Dime

20. LEGO Math

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (20)

LEGO Math is a creative and hands-on approach to learning mathematical concepts using LEGO bricks. Children can explore a wide range of math topics, including counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions, geometry, and more, through building and play.

Learn more: Do, Play, Learn

21. Pick & Count

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (21)

To start, provide a selection of small objects such as buttons, beads, or toy animals. Children then “pick” a certain number of items from the collection and put them into the corresponding number

Learn more: Engaging Littles

22. Post-It Number Line Math Activity

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (22)

Begin by creating a line on a wall or whiteboard, labeling it with integers or fractions depending on the level of the students. Then, provide students with Post-It notes and ask them to write numbers, equations, or math problems on them.

Learn more: Busy Toddler

23. Number Activity Mats

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (23)

Number activity mats are versatile teaching tools designed to reinforce numerical concepts in an interactive and tactile way. These mats typically feature numbers along with corresponding images or representations, allowing students to engage in various activities such as counting, matching, and sorting.

Learn more: Early Learning Ideas

24. Counting and Number Matching with Paper Cups

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (24)

Counting and number matching with paper cups involves placing cups onto a mat with corresponding numbers or dots, similar to those on dice. It offers opportunities for differentiation by adjusting the complexity of the mat or the number of cups used, making it suitable for various skill levels.

Learn more: Fun Learning for Kids

25. Counting to Five with Hand Crafts

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (25)

Counting to five with hand crafts involves creating handprint outlines and inserting hair ties onto the fingers to represent counting.

Learn more: 7 Days of Plays

26. Counting Blocks While Building Towers

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (26)

Counting blocks while building towers on number mats involves placing blocks onto mats with corresponding numbers, matching the number of blocks to the numeral on the mat.

Learn more: Hands on as we grow

27. Learn to Count with Grain Bins

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (27)

Learning to count with grain bins involves using grain bins as a visual aid for counting and numerical activities. Teachers should introduce this activity to students as it provides a real-world context for mathematical learning.

By counting the number of grains in each bin or arranging bins in numerical order, students practice counting, number recognition, and basic math skills.

Learn more: Hands on as we grow

28. Ice Cream Math

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (28)

This activity, Ice Cream Math, involves using printed activity sheets where students place pompoms above cone illustrations to simulate ice cream scoops. By integrating visual and tactile elements reminiscent of ice cream, this activity makes learning math more engaging and enjoyable for students.

Learn more: Fun a day

29. Feed the Shark Math Game

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (29)

In the “Feed the Shark Math Game,” students roll a dice and then select a fish with a corresponding number. They then solve a math problem related to that number before feeding it to the shark.

Learn more: Taming Little Monster

30. Number Maze

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (30)

In the Number Maze activity, students navigate a taped road marked with numbers to reach a designated endpoint. Along the way, they must follow a specific mathematical operation (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) to progress through the maze.

Learn more: Hands-on as we grow

31. Hair Clip Math

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (31)

In Hair Clip Math, students utilize clothespins to clip onto printed heads labeled with numbers. By attaching the clothespins to the corresponding numerical values, students engage in a tactile and visual method of practicing mathematical concepts.

Learn more: From pond blog spot

32. Cereal Box Puzzles Counting

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (32)

In Cereal Box Puzzles Counting, students utilize cereal boxes or similar materials to create puzzles related to counting and numerical concepts. By cutting the boxes into pieces and labeling them with numbers or numerical representations, students engage in a hands-on activity that reinforces counting skills and numerical recognition.

Learn more: Hands on as we grow

33. Number Rocks for Hands on Math

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (33)

In Number Rocks for Hands-On Math, students utilize physical rocks or stones labeled with numbers to engage in interactive mathematical activities.

Learn more: Fun a day

34. Winter Math Fun with Counting Snowballs

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (34)

In Winter Math Fun with Counting Snowballs, students engage in a hands-on activity where they count snowballs to practice basic counting skills. Using snowball props or visual representations, students immerse themselves in a winter-themed math exercise that reinforces numerical concepts in a fun and interactive way.

Learn more: Fun a day

35. Earth Day Math Sensory Bin

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (35)

In the Earth Day Math Sensory Bin, students explore mathematical concepts using an Earth-themed sensory bin filled colored-rice. Within the bin, Easter eggs labeled with numbers are hidden. By incorporating tactile and visual elements along with the thematic relevance of Earth Day, students are motivated to participate actively in math exercises.

Learn more: Fun a day

36. Simple Pumpkin Seed Counting Activity

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (36)

Students then count the seeds individually or in groups, practicing numerical concepts in a tactile and interactive manner. This activity is introduced to students as it offers a simple yet effective way to develop counting proficiency while incorporating seasonal elements.

Learn more: Fun a day

37. Thanksgiving Math with Foam Turkeys

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (37)

In Thanksgiving Math with Foam Turkeys, students participate in math activities using foam turkey props. These props can be utilized for a variety of mathematical concepts such as counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more.

Learn more: Fun a day

38. Math Activities with Acorn

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (38)

Math Activities with Acorns engage students in hands-on mathematical exercises using acorns as manipulatives. By incorporating natural materials like acorns, students are encouraged to explore mathematical concepts in a tangible and interactive way.

Learn more: Fun a day

39. Pizza Counting

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (39)

In Pizza Counting, students learn counting by using pizza slices as a visual aid. Teachers introduce this activity to students as it provides a fun and relatable context for practicing counting skills.

Learn more: Mindy Makes

40. Christmas Math Game with Jingle Bells

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (40)

In the Christmas Math Game with Jingle Bells, students decorate foam-shaped trees with red jingle bells while engaging in math activities.

Learn more: Fun a day

41. Valentine Math Activity

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (41)

In the Valentine Math Activity – Broken Heart Numbers, students engage in a math exercise where they work with heart-shaped puzzles that contain broken numbers.

Learn more: Fun a day

42. Number Magnet Match

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (42)

In Number Magnet Match, students engage in a hands-on activity where they match magnetic numbers to corresponding numerals or quantities on a magnetic surface.

Learn more: My Fabulous Class

43. Printable Number Bingo

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (43)

This activity, Printable Number Bingo, involves playing a bingo game with numbers instead of traditional bingo items. Students put a sticker on the corresponding number that the host announces.

Learn more: Design, Eat, Repeat

44. Bead Counting

44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (44)

By physically moving and manipulating the beads, students engage in a tactile and visual learning experience that enhances comprehension and retention. Bead Counting encourages active participation and fosters a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts, making it an effective tool for teaching counting skills.

Learn more: Jovanna

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44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner (2024)


44 Fun Number Activities for Preschoolers and Toddlers - Education Corner? ›

By counting real things, preschoolers can use their own experiences with objects to understand numbers better. Teachers can have children count food items (how many beans are on a plate), have them measure quantities when cooking (1/2 cup water in a recipe), or count coins together.

How to teach numbers to preschoolers in a fun way? ›

10 Ways to Make Learning Numbers Fun and Engaging for Kids
  1. Use music and movement. ...
  2. Play guess the number. ...
  3. Get hands-on with counting objects. ...
  4. Make a number line. ...
  5. Play store. ...
  6. Create a number scavenger hunt. ...
  7. Use interactive apps and games. ...
  8. Build towers with blocks.

How can I make my toddler counting numbers fun? ›

12 Fun Activities to Improve Kids' Counting Skills
  1. Play counting games. ...
  2. Make math puzzles. ...
  3. Use flashcards. ...
  4. Sing counting songs. ...
  5. Play counting games on the computer. ...
  6. Practice number formation with playdough mats. ...
  7. Play counting board games. ...
  8. Create patterns with counting objects in sequence.
Dec 28, 2021

What other things could you do to incorporate numeral and number awareness in your preschool classroom? ›

By counting real things, preschoolers can use their own experiences with objects to understand numbers better. Teachers can have children count food items (how many beans are on a plate), have them measure quantities when cooking (1/2 cup water in a recipe), or count coins together.

What are some good activities for preschoolers? ›

25 Best & Easy Activities for Preschoolers [With Tutorials]
  • Play Dough Recipes.
  • Calm down bottles.
  • Digging in the dirt.
  • 4.Baking together.
  • Build a house of cards.
  • Playing dress-up.
  • Make an igloo.
  • Blowing balloons with baking soda and vinegar.
Jul 3, 2024

What are fun ways to teach number sequences? ›

Start by displaying five uniform objects horizontally. Demonstrate how to match one number to each object, one through five. Say each number as you place it in sequence. Then, have students match each number, in order, to the objects (our program uses bus stops).

How do you teach number names in a fun way? ›

For younger children, simple songs and games are an effective way to introduce numbers and number names. For example, singing “The Ants Go Marching” can teach children to count from one to ten. As they sing along, they will become familiar with the number names and their sequence.

How to teach kids to recognize numbers? ›

Number Recognition Activities and Games
  1. Number Songs. There are lots of wonderful number songs you can sing with your toddler, both counting songs and those that focus on individual numerals. ...
  2. Tracing Activities. ...
  3. Matching Games. ...
  4. Move and Count. ...
  5. Number Collages. ...
  6. Go Fish. ...
  7. Sticky Notes. ...
  8. Scavenger Hunt.

How to introduce numbers to toddlers in Montessori? ›

Students are taught numbers and counting in the Montessori method by using these strategies: Numerical rods, sandpaper numbers, numerical rods with number tiles, spindle boxes, cards and counters, colored bead stairs, teens and tens boards, and golden bead materials.

How do you teach kids numbers with games? ›

5 Creative Counting Games for Kids to Try at Home:
  1. Five Little Ducks Counting Game. “Five Little Ducks” is a classic counting game song your little one will love singing along too. ...
  2. Toilet Roll Tower. ...
  3. Bottle Top Count & Match Game. ...
  4. Bean Bag Counting Game. ...
  5. Counting Walk Game.

How to teach number sense to preschoolers? ›

Try these simple activities to help your little one develop their early maths skills.
  1. Count the number of socks with your little one as you hang them up on the washing line.
  2. Point out the street numbers on the houses you pass as you go for a walk.
  3. Talk about how we use money (coins and notes) to pay for things.
Apr 18, 2020

How do you teach numbers in early years? ›

Suggestions: count fingers and toes, stairs, toys, food items. If children are saying one number word for each object, it is not always necessary to correct them if they skip a number. Help children to count numbers using objects. For example, move a piece of apple to one side once they have counted it.

How can I make my preschool class more fun? ›

10 Tips for Making Learning Fun and Engaging For Children
  1. Break up Your Lessons. Many lessons involve lectures, especially when you're introducing a new topic. ...
  2. Give Your Students Choices. ...
  3. Incorporate Games. ...
  4. Create Group Time. ...
  5. Get up and Move. ...
  6. Incorporate Hands-On Learning. ...
  7. Be Open to Creativity. ...
  8. Schedule Field Trips.

What are various play activities for preschoolers? ›

  • Making playthings from household items. Look around your home and in your garage to find: ...
  • Bubble socks. To make bubble socks: ...
  • Build a den. Ask your children to help you get: ...
  • Ice finds. Fill a basin or large plastic box with water. ...
  • Water painting. ...
  • Drawing with chalk. ...
  • Drawing outdoors. ...
  • Scavenger hunt.

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4 Techniques to Transform Numbers
  1. Find Interesting Angles - Useful when the information is routine, repeating or likely to be 'skimmed' over.
  2. Use Comparisons - Useful when the numbers are big or abstract or hard to visualise.
  3. Use Analogies - Useful when the presentation is complex, boring or technical.
Mar 29, 2018

How to help a 4 year old recognize numbers? ›

Use Everyday Objects

One of the easiest ways to teach your child number recognition is to use everyday objects. For example, you can ask your child to find three things that are blue or five things that are soft. You can also count stairs as you go up them, or cars as you drive down the street.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.