The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2024)

THE MACON Ground to Be On Marshall The officers of the Macon Color. ed Homes Corporation, reading from left to right: Theodore MeLean, vice president; L. Marshall, president; L. financial secretary; Mr. James Thomas, recording secretary; Mr.

Isaac J. Henry, treasurer. GROUND TO BE BROKEN One of the busiest, spot around Macon this been Marshall Heights out on Miller Field Road. In spite of the inclement weather topographical engineers and landscape artists have been busy whipping into shape this beautiful sub division that will be the mecca Sunday for thousands who will journey forth to the ground breaking exercises. Streets are being run and lots laid out.

The construction green light has been turned on and next week will witness a still busy week as the dream city commences Dial 1240 K.C. -N American Network SQUARE DANCE Mar. 30 at BILL'S PLACE LIZELLA, CA. Former Lizella Bowling Alley Featuring the Lord Sisters, Ivey Bros. and Pop Lord in 1 Person 9:00 Till-Everybody Welcome Super Suds 26c Palmolive 86 Octagon Soap Tonet Cashmere Bouquet 10c Ethridge Grocery 3705 Houston Ave.

Super Suds 26c Palmolive 8c Octagon Soap Toiler 5c Cashmere Bouquet 10c Mrs C. N. Hill Grocery 3011 Houston TELEGRAPH-Saturday, March 30, 1948, Broken Sunday Heights Project to take form. An elaborate program will be the order of the day. A magnificent sign has now been erected on the end of the property so that guests may get an idea of the vastness of this magnificent venture.

Men and women prominent in the religious and social life of our city will be on the program. Editor Smith of the Macon News will be among the white speakers as will also be Rev. Albert Grady Harris, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Fleetwood and Major W. P.

Kennan. Rev. C. C. Spradley, pastor of Camp Hope AM Church will deliver the welcome in behalf of Camp Home Community.

Mr. Walter oIl Johnson the welcome behalf fthe Elks. Watch Sunday's paper for the complete program. leave the office of Macon Colored Homes Corporation, 455 Cotton in the Mitchell Building promptly at 3 p.m, The public is urged to be present and witness the launching of the greatest enterprise undertaken by the citizens of Macon. Opportunity will be given those desiring homes to register on the grounds or call at headquarters 455 Cotton Ave.

Phones 7388 or 724. Allen Chapel Activities Activities at Allen Chapel AME church, Rev. E. D. Curry, pastor.

Sunday at 11:30 a. Dr. W. J. Davis will preach a special sermon.

He will lecture to women from ages 16 up to 21. Points on their health at 3 o'clock. At 9 o'clock his subject: Dry Bones in the Valley. At 9:30 a mid-night program will begin, consisting of two quartets contesting and four soloists: Twilight quartet, the Southern Harmony of Memphis, soloists, Miss Wade, Joe Cunningham, Paul Smith and Gertrude Riley of Houston, Texas. Silver offering -Adv, Macedonia's SS, BTU Plan Program Today The Sunday School and BTU of Macedonia Baptist Church, E.

J. Calhoun, pastor, are sponsoring a program today March 31, at 6:30 p.m. The program: selection, Junior choir; invocation, selection, junior choir; welcome address, Miss Sarah Booker; solo, Miss Gussie R. Howell; What a Sunday School Means, Miss Fannie Booker; solo, Miss Mary Addie Gates; remarks, Dr. Dyer; selection, Silver Moon juniors; reading, The House by Side the Road, Miss Elestine Gaes; solo, Mrs.

Gladys Marshall. Representatives from various churches: Union ville, Lizzie Chapel, Bellevue, Union Baptist, Luke, Sinai, Mt. Moriah, Fulton, First Baptist, St. John, New Bethel, Turner Tabernacle, New Vineville, Salem, Tremont Temple, Antioch, Aberlena, Magnolia, Ross Street, Trinity, New Zion, Ebenezer, Mt. Calvary, Holsey Temple, Steward Chapel, Little Rock, Beulah and Friendship.

The junior choir of the Little Rock Baptist Church, will sponsor a grand musical program at the church Sunday 5 p.m. The full program will appear later. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend the SOLOMON BIBLE CLASS Mulberry Street Methodist Church Sunday 10:15 A.M. Class Program, Broadcast over WBML 10:30 'til 11 Good Music. Good Attendance Bailey M.

Wade, Teacher "You are Never A Stranger Here" Academy Award Theatre starring BETTE DAVIS "Jezebel" with FAY BAINTER presented by E. R. SQUIBB SONS TONIGHT WMAZ 7 P.M. EST PERSONAL AND SOCIAL NEWS FOR COLORED PEOPLE Office: $58 New Street, Phone 0500 MINNIE SINGLETON, Editor Ratted and Managed Exclusively by Cel. People Communications Should Be Addressed Colored Department, Care Telegraph CHURCH NEWS SMITH STREET BAPTIST The Rev.

W. J. Wimberly, pastor. Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. with W.

H. Hudson in charge. The watermelon rally will come to a close Sunday, LITTLE ROCK BAPTIST--The Rev. W. D.

Lewis, pastor. Sunday School ol at 10 a.m. with E. J. Hamilton in charge.

The junior choir will render a musical program at 5 p.m. Some of the best talent of the city will appear on the be program. Sunday, 8 p.m., Rev. E. E.

Riley will preach in interest of the rally. NEW HOPE BAPTIST The Rev. T. J. Lynch, pastor.

Sunday School at 10 a.m. with M. F. Frazier in charge. BTU at 5:30 p.m., Mrs.

Mamie Marion in charge. The BTU is sponsoring a Tiny Tot contest and pew rally Sunday 8 p.m. grand program has been arranged for the occasion. The Progressive Club will meet with T. L.

Harris, 101 Empire Avenue Monday 8 p.m. The young people's meeting along with prayer service Tuesday 7:30 p.m. UNION BAPTIST Sunday School at the usual hour with D. P. Purnell in charge Sunday at 5 p.m., senior mission meeting.

Monday night, Willing Workers Club meeting. Shut-in, Mrs. Willie Mae Driskell. HARMONY BAPTIST The Rev. J.

T. Davis, pastor. A great revival is being conducted at this church with Rev. E. J.

Calhoun in charge. Sunday, Sunday School at 10:30 a.m., with the superintendent in charge. ST. LUKE BAPTIST--The Rev. J.

M. Reeves. pastor. Sunday School at 10 a.m., with G. M.

Green in charge. The Willing Workers will meet Monday 8 p.m. with Eugene Tuff, 255 Garden Street. The mother board will meet Monday, 5 p.m. at the church.

Senior mission meeting Wednesday 4 p.m. Junior choir rehearsal Thursday 5 p.m. Senior choir rehearsal at 8 p.m. Friday 4:30 junior mission meeting. The Deacons Christian will meet at this church Sunday at 3 p.m.

There will also be an effort for Georgia Baptist College. The mother board will celebrate their anniversary Sunday with a musical program at 7:30 p.m. Conference Friday night. Shut-in, Mrs. Nellie Middlebrooks.

Mrs. Emily Franklin and Mrs. Lizzie Nelson. ST. MARY -Sunday School at 10:30 a.m.

with John co*ker in charge. The deaconess board will celebrate their 12th anniversary Sunday March 31 at 8 p.m. The different churches are invited. There will also be popularity contest. Contestants: Gladys co*ker, Frankie Mae Horne, Bertha Mae Cofer, Bernistine Dixon, Deloris Sanfeur and Margaret Hawkins.

Choir rehearsal Tuesday 7:30 p.m. Willing Workers Club meeting with Mrs. Davis, 334 Ferguson Street Wednesday 8 p.m. Mission meeting Sunday at 6 p.m. at the church.

STINSONVILLE BAPTIST The Rev. C. C. Jones, pastor. Sunday School at the usual hour.

BTU at 5 p.m. Preaching at 8 p.m. by the pastor. FIRST BAPTIST--The Rev. M.

J. Sherard, pastor. Sunrise prayer service, 6:30 a.m. Church School 10 a.m. Morning worship 11:30.

Guest speaker, Rev. F. N. Marshburn. 4 p.m.

closing anniversary sermon, Rev. H. C. Anthony, accompanied by Pleasant Grove, Friendship and Swift Creek Baptist Churches. BEULAHLAND BAPTIST--The Rev.

E. E. Edmond, Sunday School at 10 a.m., with the superintendent in charge. There will be services held Sunday night prayer service at 7:30 and preaching at 8 p.m. by Rev.


J. Shaw, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a.m., with Willie Paste in charge. The usher board will celebrate their third anniversary Sunday at 8 p.m. The spring revival will begin Monday.

April 1. with Rev. R. C. preaching.

Rev. G. N. Nedd will preach the second week. LIZZIE CHAPEL BAPTIST The Rev.

E. J. Calhoun, pastor. Sunday, sunrise prayer service at 6:30 a.m. Sunday school at 10 a.m.

with Duncan Gates in charge. BTU at 6 p.m. Missionary circle No. 2 meeting, Monday, at 5 p.m., with Mrs. Ida Bailey, Earnest Street.

No. 3 will meet Wednesday, 5 p.m., with Mrs. Janie Hudson, Craft Street, P.H. Circle No. meetin gwith Mrs.

Ella Mae Calhoun, Montpelier Avenue, Thursday, 5 p.m. GREENS TABERNACLE BAPTIST The Rev. N. S. Greenwood, pastor.

Sunday school at 10:30 a.m., with H. M. Green in charge. Mission meeting at 4:30 p.m., with Mrs. Addie Mae King.

201 Colquitt Street. There will be services at the church Sunday at 7:30 p.m. The Twilight Gospel Singers will render program at the church April 5. There will also be a moving picture show at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale.

NEW HOME BAPTIST The W. Cummings, pastor. will be services at the church. Sunday school at 10 a.m. Preaching at 12 o'clock.

The Twilight Gospel Singers will render a program at 5 p.m. EBENEZER BAPTIST The Rev. J. M. Reeves, pastor.

Sunday school at 10 a.m. with Willie Odom in charge. BTU at 12 o'clock, with Mrs. Myrtle Ross in charge. The senior mission meeting Sunday at 4 p.m.

with Mrs. Lula Canady, Enterprise Homes. The junior choir is sponsoring a pew rally at the church Sunday night. A short program will be rendered: selections from Friendship's juniors and Ebenezer's juniors. J.

B. Rice Visits A.0. H. State Meet Elder J. B.

Rice, national president of the Missionary Department of the AOH Church, is visiting the State Missionary Department now in session at Bell Tenple, corner, Colquitt and Peaco*ck Streets. L. M. Bell, pastor. The state president, Mrs.

Francis Brown of Augueta, Ga, is in charge of the inspiring programs carried on each day. The public is invited. Deaths and Funerals MRS. ELIZA LAMAR Mrs. Eliza Lamar, mother of Mrs.

Hattie Harris, died in Bainbridge, a few days ago. The remains will arrive Macon tonight and will lie in state at Hutchings' Funeral Home Sunday. services will be held Mon. day afternoon at Tremont Temple. Burial be in Linwood Cemetery.

Hutchings' Service, MRS. MATTIE GORDON Funeral arrangements for Mrs. Mattie Gordon of Clinton, Ga. are as yet incomplete. Hutchings' Service.

MRS. OLA JONES remains of Mrs. Ola in Indianapolis in Macon yesterday. announcements will The who died arrived neral later. Hutchings' Service.

MRS. LULA SHANNON Jones, Tuesday, Fube made Mrs. Lula Shannon, of Forsyth, died at her home Thursday morning March 26, after a few days illness. Funeral service will be held Sunday at Brown's Chapel Church at 2 p.m. Forsyth, Ga.

Surviving are: a devoted husband. Williams Shannon, Forsyth, two daughters, Christeen Wooten, Philadelphia, Rochell Alexander, Forsyth, one son, William Shannon, Philadelphia; three grandchildren. two great grandchildren, one son-in-law, four nieces, Mrs. Julia Mobley, Macon, Mrs. Mary Lizzie McDow.

Macon, Little Johnson, Atlanta, Lilla Watson; two nephews, Horace Jenkins, Flovilla, Shorty Jenkins, Cin- cinnati Ohio. MRS. ANN COLEMAN Funeral servites for Mrs. Ann Coleman of Rt. 6 Jeffersonville Road formerly Philadelphia will be held today at the Mt.

Calvary Baptist Church in Lake Side at 4:30 p.m. with the Rev. B. J. Johnson officiating assisted by the Rev.

L. S. Scott. Burial in church cemetery. Middle Georgia Funeral Home, successors to the Berry Fu- neral Home.

BABY GIRL SOLOMAN Funeral services for Baby Girl the Berry Funeral Home. WILLIAM HATCHER Soloman, infant daughter daugh4 ter of Mrs. Villa Mae Soloman of No. 12 McLord Lane was held at the grave side in Fort Hill Cemetery Friday evening. Middle Georgia Funeral Home, successors to Funeral services of William Hatcher were held Thursday, afternoon at Damascus Baptist Church.

Rev. Street, Rev. Welche and Rev. Calhoun officiating. Burin church cemetery.

Surviving late two brothers, William and Mach Hatcher: two sisters, Mrs. Carriebell Williams, Flomation, Mrs. Mattie Lewis, Chattanooga, 13 children, Johnnie Hatcher, Louisville, Carlton Hatcher, Michigan City, Willie and Lonnie Hatcher, Mrs. Mable Slocum, Mrs. Sarah Billingslea, Cleveland, Robert Hatcher, Detroit, Roosevelt Hatcher, Atlanta, John Hatcher, Columbus, Mrs.

Laura Davis, Mrs. Fannie Clark, Jesse and Sylvester. Macon. brother-in-law, Rev. J.

H. Hanco*ck, and other relatives. Central City Funeral Home. CAESAR STALLWORTH Caesar Stallworth, of 339 Boone Street, died Tuesday night after a long illness. Surviving are a wife, Mrs.

Gussie Stallworth; five daughters, Mrs. Abie Greene, Mrs. Willie Bowlson, Mrs. Maggie Holmes, Mrs Lydia Craig, Mrs. Janie Bivins, all of Detroit, four sons, Mack Stallworth.

IlI, Robert, Eddie and Bonnie Stallworth, III, allof Macon; three sisters, Mrs. Susie Hightower, Miss Bessie Stallworth, Mrs. Julia Sellers: three brothers, Mack Stallworth, Rev. B. G.

Stallworth, Hennie Stallworth; aunt, Mrs. Lizzie Brown; uncle, Will Brown; nine grandchildren, and other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock atUnion Baptist Church. Rev. E.

J. Calhoun officiating. Burial in Ft. Hill Cemetery. Central City Funeral Home.

MRS. AURELIA JOHNSON Mrs. Aurelia Johnson, of 605 Prince Street, died a few days ago. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Alberta Harris, Mrs.

Maudenia Graves, Macon; Mrs. Estella Calloway, Detroit, four program will be the Silver Moon Spiritual Singers and others. A small admission will be taken. Shut-in, Janie Walker, Ola Moore and Mary Jane Hart. CHURCH OF JESUS.

White Street- Elder W. Washington, pastor. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Preaching at 12 o'clock. YPBB at 7 p.m.

Service at 8 p.m. MT. SINAI BAPTIST The Rev. W. M.

Hall, pastor. Fu Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship service at 11:30 a.m. Music by the senior choir, preaching by the pastor, Rev. Hall.

Junior choir rehearsal today, at 5 p.m. Senior choir rehearsal today, at 7 p.m. Business of vital importance. Super Suds 26c Palmolive 8c Octagon Soap Toilet 5c Cashmere Bouquet 10c W. R.

Melton 200 Montpelier Ave. Deacon's Union To Meet At St. Luke Sun. The Deacon's Christian will meet at St. Luke church, Sunday, March 31.

o'clock. A fifteen minutes dev tion will be led by Deacon music by St. Luke char welcome address, Miss Carole Tuff: solo, Miss Carrie Orr: Pea ing. Miss Bessie Glover: response Deacon W. R.

Randall, solo, con E. D. Tate: address. Mr. F.

Taylor: solo. Mrs. Grimes: remarks, Deacon Kyles; solo. Mrs. W.

G. Glow music, St. Luke chorus; collecting college rally, Deacon D. president. Deacon J.

H. Richard son, light Singers will render a program at the church, April 15, in interest of the usher board. No charges, a silver offering will be taken. Tuesday night, prayer meeting at the church. Junior mission meeting Monday, 4:30 p.m., with Mrs.

Mittie Green, Heights. Senior choirus rehearsal. Friday, chothe rehearsal church at 7 Thursday, p.m. at Junior 5:30 p.m. ABERLENA BAPTIST The Rev.

J. J. Collins, pastor. Sunday school at 10:30 a.m. The light Gospel Singers will render a program p.m.

A small admission will be charged. Monday night, the Morris Brown Club will meet at the church at 8 p.m. Wednesday, choir rehearsal at 7 p.m. Thursday, the ushers and usherettes board will meet at the church at 8 p.m. PLEASANT GROVE.

-Rev. J. M. Bryant, pastor. Sunday, March 21, will mark high day at Pleasant Grove, located six miles above Bolingbroke, Georgia.

The big spring rally will culminate and all members are asked to lend your hearty support to the drive. The Uprising Four Gospel Singers will be in charge of the musical program assisted by the Rose Garden Singers. Dinner will be served free to all. DIVISION BAPTIST--The Rev. A.

J. Thomas, pastor. Sunday school at the ushual hour. Preaching at 2 p. m.

by Rev. A. J. Shaw, pastor of Bryant Tabernacle Baptist church. He will be accompanied by his members.

MACEDONIA BAPTIST The. Rev. E. J. Calhoun, pastor.

Sunday school at 10 a. jointly with St. John's Sunday school. The Sunday school and BTU, will sponsor a pew rally, Sunday at 6:30 Representatives from all Sunday schools are invited. Tuesday 6:30 p.

the young people's choir will rehearse. The youth club will meet Tuesday night after choir rehearsal. All members are asked to have their Bible also the answer in the Bible quiz. ST. LUKE A.

M. The Rev. J. W. O'Neal, pastor.

Sunday school at 10 a m. Preaching at 11:30 a. m. Apron rally at 5 p. given by the stewardess.

Program at 5:30 p. m. Shut-in, Mrs. Hunt. GRAYS CHAPEL A.

-The Rev D. W. Ealy, pastor. Sabbath schoo! at the usual hour. Sunday is trustees and stewards day.

Beginning Monday, there will be five nights of service with Rev. S. M. Johnson of Duresville preaching Tuesday night, Rev. J.

T. Saxon, of Memorial Baptist Wednesday night; Rev. W. T. Barnes of Jones Tabernacle Thursday night: night.

Rev. W. A. Pearson: Friday night. Rev.

"Each Anthony of Pleasant Grove. minister will be accompanied by his congregation. STINSONVILLE A. M. -The Rev.

W. McKinney, pastor. Sunday school at 10:30 a. m. ACE League at 5 p.

m. At 8 p. m. service will begin with devotions, being led by the Poor mission, Mrs. Sarah Smith, president.

The sermon will delivered by presiding elder, Rev. J. N. Miller. The rally will also come to a close.

Each member asked to pay $3.50. ST. JAMES A. M. -The Rev.

E. J. Smith, pastor. There will be refreshments on sale at the church tonight, Sunday school a. m.

The missionary will have a program at 3 p. m. Rev. T. S.

Washington will preach, pastor of Mt. Lebanon Baptist church, accompanied by his choirs. The Rose Garden Gospel Singers will appear at this church at 4 p. m. St.

John A. M. E. and Frambus Chapel A. M.

missionary ladies are on the program. Sunday the Macon Four spiritual singers will render a program. A silver offering will be taken. Shut-in, Mrs. Betty Pitts.


A. Ridley, pastor. Sunday school at 10 Lesson reviewed by Miss Susie Peters. Preaching by Rev. Ridley at 11:30 a.

m. and 7:30 p. m. Easter rehearsal, held each afternoon 6 o'clock with Mrs. Pearl Moore and Miss Tommie Knighton in charge.

TRINITY C. M. -The Rev. H. Whelchel, pastor.

Church school 10 a. m. The second quarterly conference, held at DamasC. E. church Sunday.

All officers and members are asked to meet Trinity Sunday at 11 a. m. Cars will be there to carry you to Damascus C. M. E.

church. Dinner will be served. Presiding Elder Robert A. will preach at Trinity at 7:30 p. m.

SPIRITUAL CHURCH OF THE FATHER AND SON- L. Hill, pastor. There will be 'services at Jacobs Hall, Pebble Street, beginning at 8 p. m. Preaching by Bishop Hill.

JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES--You are cordially invited to assemble with us in our weekly Sunday at 5:30 p. m. Bible, 454 1-2 study Cotton Ave. Sunday's lesson, Consecration. No collection.


Davidson, pastor. There will be a rally at this church Sunday evening. Preaching by Rev. Paul Williams at 3:30 p. m.

Each member is asked to pay $5.00. ROBERSON TABERNACLE A. M. E. -The Rev.

G. Bussey, pastor. Sunday school at 10 Preaching at 11 a. m. 3 p.

m. Rev. S. H. Flowers wil! preach, accompanied by his congregation.

Flowers is assistant pastor of Rev. Ross Street Baptist church. NEW ZION BAPTIST The Rev. J. A.

Jackson. pastor. Sunday School at the usual hour with Willie Brown in charge. The Heavenly Gospel Singers will render a program at this church. Sunday, March 31.

Also on the St. Luke's Literary Club to Meet Sunday Rev. Dixon and Members to Close Spring Rally REV. J. R.

DIXON Rev. J. R. Dixon, pastor of the St. Mary CME Church, Holton, and members plan to close their Spring rally Sunday, This rally is for the benefit of doing repair work on the church and putting in electric lights.

The following ministers will appear on the program: Rev. M. M. Mann, of Forsyth, Revs. Evans and C.

C. Spratley, of Macon: and Rev. W. M. Blackshear, of Griffin.

All that expect to make the trip Sunday are asked to meet at Broadway and Mulberry Streets. There special bus will leave at 11 a.m. and will arrive at the church at 12 o'clock. Following the service, the members will serve dinner. A pleasant trip is in store for all that wish to go.

MELBA LODGE NOTICE Members of Melba Lodge No. 555 will assemble at the Rest Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with cars in order to take part in ground breaking ceremonies at the new Negro sub-division on the Miller Field Road. E. C. CARVEST.


Radio Today WBML- ABC 12:00 Ches. 12:15 Mus. 12:30 12:45 Tidbits: 1:00 1:15 For 1:30 Youth. 1:45 Met. Memoirs 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 Opera.

3:00 3:15 Opera 3:30 3:45 Opera 1:00 Metropolitan. 4:15 1:30 4:45 Opera 5:00 5:15 Opera 5:30 Opera 5:45 Millers. 6:00 6:15 Twilight Tim 6:30 Marry Wisme: 6:45 Family Bible. 7:00 Yr. Business.

7:15 Corresponden 7:30 7:45 Classics. 8:00 Dick 8:15 Tracy 8:30 Famous. 8:45 Jury Trials. 9:00 9:15 9:30 Boston. 9:45 Symphony 10:00 Boston.

10:15 10:30 Tommy. 10:45 Tucker 11:00 News 11:15 Gay Claridge. 11:30 Meadowbrook 11:45 Club. WNEX-MBS 12:00 House 12:15 Mystery. 12:30 12:45 Sons -Pioneers 1:00 Opry House.

1:15 Matinee-News 1:30 Opry 1:45 2:00 News 2:15 Jumpin Jacks 2:30 U. S. 2:45 Band 3:00 3:15 3:30 Men. 3:45 Of Vision 4:00 Los Angeles. 4:15 Symph.

Band. 4:30 4:45 George Barry. 5:00 Sports. 5:15 Parade 5:30 Gray Gordon. 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 News.

6:45 Spts. 7:00 Mem. 7:15 Down 7:30 7:45 A Convict. 8:00 8:15 8:30 The 8:45 Savoy 9:00 Leave 9:15 To the 9:45 The 9:30 Break. one 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 The 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 WMAZ-CBS The Theater Of Friday Noon Edition Grand Central Station County Fair Be Better or o'Clock Flims Tunes Chat Columbia Workshop Assignment Home Music For You For You Music Eliot Lawrence Orch- Olin Downs Philadelphia Orchestra Philadelphia Orchestra Quincy Howe-News American Portrait The World Today Academy Award Theater First Nighter The Dick Haymes Show Mayor Calmer Your Hit Parade Ginny Simms Sho Ginny Simms Sho Celebrity Club Frank Hubbs- News Final News Twilight Singers Ray McKinley Orchestra -Dublin House of Mystery Dixie Farm Hour House Matinee- News Opry House tinee Songs of the West Dance Orchestra Dance Orchestra Sinfonietta Sinfonietta 1340 Club 1340 Club Dance Orchestra Unannounced Sports Parade Dance Orc-Telegraph-Nws Cleveland Symphony Orch.

Cleveland Symphony Orch. Hawall Calls Dance Music I Was a Convict Twenty Questions The Harry Savoy Show Leave It To the Girls Break The Bank Chicago Theater Chicago Theater News-Sign Off Silent Silent Silent Baptist Tabernacle Brotherhood Invites You to Hear Dr. A. C. Baker Sunday the closing day of great revival: 11:15 A.M.

"Have you made your decision" 7:45 P.M. "Your hope depends on your decision" CHAPLAIN F. N. MARSHBURN Chaplain Marshburn At First Baptist Sunday Chaplain F. N.

Marshburn, former pastor of the First Baptist Church, will be guest speaker Sunday, March 31, at 11:30 a.m. The members of the First Baptist, together with his many friends of Macon, will be delighted to greet him. ROSE GARDEN SINGERS The Rose Garden spiritual singers will render a program Sunday, March p.m. at the Bethel AME Church. The Rev.

W. N. Smith, pastor. This group of singers will be accompanied by the Uprising Four Singers, sons, Gus, Herbert, Oland Johnson, Macon; John Moreland, Pittsburgh, two sons-in-law, Homer Harris, Jimmie Calloway: daughterin-law, Mrs. Lillie Johnson, Mrs.

Gus Johnson; grandchildren, Mrs. Bessie Sidberry, Archie Scott, Lenoy Grayers, Philadelphia, Charlie Collins, John Moreland, this city and other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Antioch Baptist Church. Rev. E.

W. Hoyt officiating. Burial in St. Rest Cemetery, Central City Funeral Home. MISS MARY JACKSON Miss Mary Jackson, of Route 2, Dry Branch, died early Friday morning after a short illness.

Funeral announcements later. Central City Funeral Home. HENRY IRVING Henry Irving of Duresville, died Wednesday morning after a long illness. Surviving are a wife. Mrs.

Minnie Irving: step-son, Felton Stevens, Memphis, daughter. Mrs. Rosa Johnson. Atlanta, five sisters-in-law, Mrs. Leola Flewellyn, Mrs.

Bertha Watts. Mrs. Laura Malcolm, Macon; Mrs. Lena Malcolm, New York City; Mrs. Katie Malcolm, Atlanta, four brothers Rev.

S. T. Watts, Ross Flewellyn, Macon: Edward Malcolm, Atlanta, Benjamin Malcolm. New York City; and other relatives and friends. Funeral services will be held Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Duresville Church, A Rev.

S. M. Johnson officiating. Burial in Camp Hope Cemetery. Central Funeral Home.

SHELLIE SMITH, SR. Shellie Smith, of 818 Elm Street, died Thursday after a short illness. Surviving are a wife, Mrs. Delia Smith; three sons, Shellie. Moses Smith, Macon: Willie Smith, Ocala, eight daughters, Mrs.

Alice Crawford, Miss Eula, Mamie, Ruby, Willie Smith, all of Macon; Miss Autrey Smith, Cincinnati, Mrs. Wylean Farrow, Pittsburgh, Mrs. Emma Lamar, Bell Glades, two sisters. Mrs. Mary Harris, Cincinnati, Mrs.

Louvenia Harris, Savannah, eight grandchildren, and other relatives and friends. Funeral, announcements pending arrival or relatives. Central City a Funeral Home. GEORGE THOMAS George Thomas. of Route 6.

died Wednesday night after a long illness. Surviving are six daughters, Mrs. Sophia Tharpe, Mrs. Beulah Jordan, Mrs. Genie Glover, Mrs.

Catherine Stephens, Mrs. Easter Collins, Mrs. Delphine Lawson. Macon; four sons, Sidney Thomas, Augustus, Anderson Thomas, Douglas; Hillard Thomas, Philadelphia, Paul Thomas, Cleveland, 41 grandchildren, 11 great one greatgreat-grandchild, and other relatives and friends. Funeral an nouncements later.

Central, City Funeral Home. The young people's Literary of St. Luke Baptist Church meet Sunday, March 31, home of Mrs Tressie Ricks Rot ens, 102 Wise Avenue. This notify the members and friend of the change of date from Tue day night, April 2, to Sundi March 31. The program will be as follow song, club, Negro National them: Psalms, 101st, club: 401 America the Beautiful: reading Miss Lucile Manson: instrument solo, Miss Ruth Green reading, Miss Marian Hooks: sol Miss Lizzie Mae Manson: sha talk, John H.

Wilder, presiden. For REAL PROMPT RELIEF MUSCULAR Easter Te Apply Thee Mustard Plaster! I MUSTEROLE Palmolive Octagon Soap Toilet Cashmere Bouquet Ed. Smith 2635 Broadway Palmolive Palmolive Octagon Soap Toilet Cashmere Bouquet Blankinship Grocery 902 Hazel St. RADIO SERVICE! IN YOUR HOME! Your Entire Radio Can Guaranteed for One Year CALL 43 NOW. RADIO WARRANTY COM 615 Bankers Ins.

Bldg PRIZES $15.00 in Cash Each Week! Look! Kids See 'Young Stars of Tomorrow' Stage and Radio Show Featuring Children Under 16 Years of Age EVERY SATURDAY 10:30 A. M. Ritz Theatre -See Young Stage Stars and a Good MovieBroadcast Over WNEX, 1400 on Your Dial Sponsored by TAYLOR'S Children's Department 459 Third St. Grand Prize Free Bicycle.

The Macon Telegraph from Macon, Georgia (2024)
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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Views: 5877

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.