DISPATCH Friday, July 20, 1973: JOE HUDDLESTON of the Casa Grande was unsuccessful in his attempt to Little All Stars goes into a slide at Huddleston out. The Casa Grande team will ring the team's 26-0 romping of play again tonight in the final game at Eloy Eloy in the single elimination tournament against Florence to decide the District lay night. Third baseman Gus Salazar championship. 3 Have Perfect Records The Men's Slow Pitch moved into the second games of the latter half of the season this week with only. three teams keeping perfect records.
First half winner Arizona City registered their second victory of the second half by blanking Umphreds, 18-4, in a game which Dennis Zimmerman slammed two home runs. Winning pitcher was Duane Zimmerman while the loss went to. Ramires: Bob's Sport, keeping their record clean at two: wins. slipped by Fleelwood, 3-2, with Bob's scoring two runs in the of the sixth to take the victory Winning pitcher was Gary Baker and the loser was Steve Buns. Arizona Job College, also undefeated in the second half of play edged by Cardi Construction, 5.4, scoring the winning run in the bottom of the seventh on a single by Don Green.
The win went of Carlos Martinez and the loss to. Jim Adkinso. Hescel rolled past Coop's, 7-4, with Harry Kramer taking the and Mac. McDavid: acthe loss, AI's Chevron downed the Continued on page 10: Tempe Nine Wins, 7-3 Arizona Feeds appeared to. have a winning combination with a 3-2 sixth inning lead over Tempe: American Legion but a run homer put a damper on the Feeds: hope as they finally bowed by a score of 7-3 before a home crowd Thursday night.
Pitcher Frank Gil. took the loss for his mound work allowing two batters to walk before the sixth inning homer. The Arizona Feeds: hitting. strength for the evening relied on Gil who in an effort to save his own game went two for four Bike To Three victories by Butch Beard during the past five weeks has turned the runaway by Rick Kraft into the tightest points battle in history of motorcycle racing as the bikes head to: Central Arizona Raceway for. a 27-event program Saturday night.
Beard, the 1971 riding champion, has closed to within 25 points of the lead during his surge. Kraft, although still among the front runners, has had his problems lately as Beard and Art Fredenburg have been consistently beating last Coach Tells About AAU Swimming There are a lot of misconceptions of what the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) is all about. Dean Winder, coach of the AAU sanctioned Casa Grande Dust Devil swimming team, said recently. Contrary to popular belief AAU swimming differs from recreational swimming in that recreational swimming very importantly instructs nonswimmers to swim and also. offers summer competition.
The AAU teaches swimmers the four basic strokes butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke and freestyle in manner ac: ceptable to wurldwide. com-: petition, Winder stated: The AAU is a year round program. The Amateur Athletic Union is a registering body that sets certain rules, regulations and objectives for particular competitive sports, including swimming. The Casa Grande Dust Devil swim team provides a local AAU team for swimmers to train with and prepare for competition, said Winder. "We're trying to get as many people on the team as possible," continued Winder: now we have about swimmers on the team but I know there are probably a lot more that would tike to be on the swim team." Each swimmer on the Casa Grande Dust Devil swim team compeles in his or her own age group.
The classifications are years and under, seven and years cid, nine and 10 old 11 and 012 13 and 14, and three groups of The swim club is open to anyone who wishes to join, Winder said training fee of $10 per Soto Pitches No-Hitter CG All-Stars Thrash Eloy, 26-0 By STEPHEN HOWARD Dispatch Staff Writer Whoever it was that said this year's Casa Grande Little League All Stars lacked hitting depth better recount the tabulations: Last night it was all Casa Grande could do to keep from pounding out one hit after another in a 26-0 thrashing of Eloy in semifinal district play. The shutout came as a no hitter for Gilbert Soto who pitched the entire: game: for the Casa Grandeans. The victors racked up a total of: 18. hits for the game played at Jones Park in. Eloy including -five home runs: The hitting barrage began early when second batter of the game, Donny Haygood, stepped up to the plate and cracked out atwo run homer that took CASA GRANDE DISPATCH ports Men's Fast Pitch Season Ends The Men's Fast Pitch League finished up their season with Skelly's and: Kentuckey Fried tying for first place.
Skelly's reniained in the top spot by downing the Longhairs, 12-2, under the power hitting of Dave, Heritage who went three. for four: and: Dennis: Zimmerman, three for five. The win went to Dan Stautz and the loss to Arnold Dominguez. in Tie Monday night Bob's shut out AJC, 11-0, led by the hitting of Vince Bianco who went three for three at the plate. Winning pitcher was Jim Stevens and the loss.
went to Mavis. Kentucky Fried beat A.A. Paving by a slim score of 7-5, to hold on to their first place tie. Tuesday night. Hitting for.
Kentuckey Fried was led. by Continued on page 10 Driver Tells How Ribs Fractured After suffering three broken ribs and a severely bruised shoulder during the modified stock main event at Central Raceway Saturday night, Ron Wiseman is making a satisfactory recovery at Hoemako hospital. Wiseman suffered the injury when a tie rod snapped, sending his Ford -powered modified stock car into the front retaining wall during the main event. Wiseman was in second place at the time of the mishap. "Thad just bought the car about an hour and a half before the race," Wiseman said.
"It looked like I had a pretty good chance to slip into first place ahead of Mulcahy but then the steering went out and I went sailing right into that wall." Although Wiseman was secured by a seatbelt, the force of the collision threw him against the center bar of the retaining. cage, fracturing his ribs, "In my other car that bar, is Wiseman recalled. "But I was strapped in pretty securely. I guess Thit that wall pretty hard." Wiseman: hopes to return home Monday but it will be: several weeks before he will be able to return to work. Wiseman owns and operates Wiseman's Auto Salvage in Casa Grande.
It. appears now Wiseman probably will not do any more auto racing until next season. the tiz out of Eloy early in the game. After that it was only a procession of hits that led to home runs by. Soto, Cliff Echeverria, Ricky Gamez and a grand slam by David Fair.
Haygood also came through with a double and a single as did Soto. Dean Ornelas slapped out three doubles. The Casa Grande All-Stars scored runs in every inning beginning with two runs in the first and three runs in the second. Taking precaution against ever being caught, the Casa Grandeans went completely through the batting order in the third inning and scored seven runs, increasing their lead to 12-0. Following that spree there was no foreseeable for: the Eloy All-Stars as the Casa Grande team registered three runs in the fourth, seven runs in the fifth and four runs in the sixth.
The Casa Grande All-Stars now: advance to the finals for Area 1 District for playoff. The game will M.C. Davis Wins, 7-6 Rainey's. by slipping by the Mallery Manor Marvels, 7-6, in the Women's Slow Pitch softball action Thursday: night. M.C.
Davis held on to the lead they received when they scored three runs in the third. Winning pitcher was Olivia Yubeta and the loser Candy Raney. The early Thursday evening games. found Allis Chalmers crushing AJC, 10-3, with Annalee Crow leading the victors with two hits including a home run and driving in five runs. Carolyn Ward was the winning pitcher Lydia Rivera was the laser.
Bob's Sport rolled over C.G. Mills, 8-1, with the win going to: Ruth Stone and the loss to Maria Cardenas. Patti Bianco went 4-4: at the plate, slashing out a triple, a home run and driving six runs. Rainey's gang edged by Arizona Textile 3-2, with Suzanna Tapia taking the win and Christine Robbins the loss. Cardi Construction took a 6-4 Continued on page 10 M.C.
Davis protected their half game lead over Bob's and be played at Jones Park in Eloy it 8 tonight against Florence. The Florence Al1-Star team roiled over Coolidge. 6-1, in the other half of district semifinal play Wednesday night in Eloy. In that game Coolidge took the initial lead and managed. to knock out seven hits for.
the evening compared to only five hits for Florence. But two of the Florence hits were home runs while four errors were committed ny Coolidge to give Florence three runs in the third inning and three in the sixth. In the consolation games, Mammoth demolistied. Stanfield, 11-3, on seven hits including three home: runs. San Manuel edged by (tracle.
19-16. 10. a slugfest that went two extra innings. Mammoth and San Manuel will clash tonight: in the final consolation game to start at 6. at Jones Park Senior League Stars Shut Out at bat, including a triple in the bottom of: the fifth inning scoring a runner from first.
Tim O'Donnell also aided in the meager hitting portions by of the Feeds plate work: knocking out two single. for four times at bat. The loss leaves Arizona Feeds league record for the second half of play at 1-5. Overall the are 5-13. Arizona Feeds will finish up their season on the road tonight facing Chandler in hopes of wrapping up the season with a victory Racers Compete year's champion.
Fredenburg. has won two features including the last outing at CAR. Jon Sellers, a six-time riding champion, is still looking for his first win in a point race. The Phoenix detective won the opening race of the year on the local track, but it did not count in the point. chase.
Sellers is building a new engine this week: and hopes to break the draught on the half mile oval at the Pinal County Fairgrounds. Other divisions besides the open experts are close as the point. The younger riders. are season passes the a midway having a ball on the small bikes with Tommy Musser, Bobby Smallwood and Debbie Selby ride on the quarter mile track. This is first full year that the bikes have flat tracked, and it seems to satisfy the fans.
Before, the bikes competed on TT course which slowed the action considerably. The unlimited bikes attain speeds up to. 90 miles per hour. on the half mile track at CAR. The Saturday night program.
opens with trophy dashes 7:30. Lamps by Nova of Calif. $000 Hanging and Table up Table Lamp light in base. ON SPECIAL NOW Sofa (Love Seat 7900 Size) For That Second Bedroom, Sewing Room or What Have You. Parson's Tables Red; green, black, yellow $750 Custom "Elegance in the home need not be expensive Lurniture by Dorothy 1646 N.
Pinal Ave. Open 8 a.m. 5.p.m. Mon. Sat.
After Hours by Appointment 838-8351 The Casa Grande Senior League All Stars were shut out for the second time this week at the hands. of San in a double elimination. tournament held there. The 6-0) loss knocked the Casa Grandeans out of the tournament. The gap in the score didn't tell the story as the pitching of Lorenzo Hidalgo held the score even until the sixth inning.
With no. runners on base Hidalgo struck out a San Manuel batter only to have catcher Scott Walton drop the pitch. According to the Senior League rules a batter is allowed to attempt to steal first base if the catcher fails to catch the ball on a third strike: In this case the batter attempted to steal and Walton overthrew the ball allowing the man a base The runner then stole second. Hidalgo allowed the next batter the first of the four hits he was to give up for the evening giving a single to San Manuel allowing the the first cun to score; Another single allowed that run to score. The Casa Grandeans made through the sixth inning two runs town but the seventh inning proyed even more costly as San Manuel slapped four runs on four hits and two errors Hidalgo took the loss.
pitching 6. 1-3 innings before being relieved by Eddie Redman who finished up. the game allowing three hits: The Senior Leaguers from Casa Grande scored. four Hats for the outing including a double. by Scott Walton.
The remaining hits. were singles by Paul Montoya, Russ- Bingham and Hidalgo. In Wednesday night's Sensor League game. the Casa Grande All Stars demolished the Superior team. 13-4 The Casa Grande squad came on strong during the: entire contest powering out their runs on 12 hits and five errors Scott Walton led the hitting barrage knocking out three singles and a triple during fie Continued on At Chandler Legion Team Wins, 7-5 The Casa Grande Legion team finished off its season in fine style Wednesday night edging by Chandler, 7-5, on Chandler's home field.
Hottubbee pitched five innings to: clinch his fifth victory of the year against no losses. Hottubbee was relieved by Davy Crockett who pitched the final two innings. Hitting for the Casa Grande team was: powered by Mike Stow knocking out three hits during three trips to the plate. Hottubbee: added to his win by slashing out two hits in four times at bat while Crockett picked up two hits for three times at bat. Rightfielder Tony Lopez turned in a spectacular run -saving performance for Casa Grande.
When a Chandler batter hit a solid tut. into right field a runner on second advanced past third base: and headed for home. A perfect throw by Lopez to catcher Mike Stow saved a. sixth run from the Chandler scorebook. The victory ended the Arizona Feeds sponsored American Legion.
team's season with a record of 15 wins and three losses The team will enter playoff competition: next week against a team to be announced: If the Casa Grande team wins that game it will advance directly to the state tournament. If loses in next week's game it will move to a tournament to be played at Phoenix College The winner of that tournament will go to the state tournament as a wild card team month (the price is less for the second swimmer of a family) is assessed by the club to meet coaching, registration and insurance costs. An additional $3 per month will be paid by each swimmer to the city for the use of the pool, Winder said. Persons interested in joining are asked to come out to La Grande pool between 6.a.m. and 8 a.m.
weekday mornings or. contact Don Griffin, Dean or Lee Davis. Waiters, Waitresses, Bus Boys, Hostess, Bartenders Only Experienced Need Apply THE ARCHES Apply in Person 10 a.m. 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.
4 p.m. Mrs. Gail 502 E. Cottonwood Lane.