50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (2024)

Ever wonder how many cats it takes to make a colony? Do you know what hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia means?

If you know the answers to these funny trivia questions, then you deserve a trophy. Or, at least some kudos for being a total brainiac when it comes to amusing facts.

Whether you compete with your trivia team at the bar each week or simply enjoy learning unusual fun facts, you're sure to enjoy this collection of trivia questions and answers with the flair for the funny.

From geography and animal trivia to entertaining facts on music, celebrities and world records, this compilation of fascinating queries will have you chuckling over how silly they actually are. But, at the same, time, you'll have a whole new list of trivia tidbits to add to your arsenal.

For instance, can you name which months have 28 days in them? That's an easy one. All of them.

We're just getting started here! Read on for more funny trivia facts and by the time you're done, chances are good that you'll know way more than when you started.

Whether or not it's useful is another question entirely.

Funny Trivia Questions

50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (1)
  • How many words in the English language end in “dous?” Answer: Four: Hazardous, horrendous, tremendous and stupendous.
  • What animal is said to be 30 times more likely to be struck by lightning than humans? Answer: The giraffe
  • What do you call the offspring of a grizzly bear and polar bear? Answer: A pizzly bear
  • What is the British word for a toilet? Answer: Loo
  • What time is almost always displayed on a watch or clock in an ad? Answer: 10:10
  • Which actor/comedian played drums in Leather Canary, a college band featuring Steely Dan's Donald fa*gen and Walter Becker? Answer: Chevy Chase
  • “Where's the beef” is a slogan once used by what fast-food chain? Answer: Wendy's
  • What is Bob Dylan's real last name? Answer: Zimmerman
  • How many cats do you need for a colony? Answer: Three or more
  • Which U.S. president attended the first American circus in 1793? Answer: George Washington
50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (2)
  • Meaning “someone who asks too many questions,” this Russian word is one of the hardest to spell. Answer: Pochemuchka
  • How many months have 28 days? Answer: All of them
  • Who holds the Guinness World Record for the longest attack of hiccups? Answer: Charles Osborne (68 years)
  • People who suffer from hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia have a fear of what? Answer: Long words
  • These space objects are said to smell like urine and rotten eggs. Answer: Comets
  • Consuming roughly 35,000 tons annually, which country drinks the most beer (by volume)? Answer: China
  • In which U.S. state will you find Transylvania County? Answer: North Carolina
  • What is a group of pandas called? Answer: An embarrassment
  • How often does the average person burp per day? Answer: Approximately up to 30 times
  • What is the medical term for stinky feet? Answer: Bromodosis
50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (3)
  • Actor/comedian Steve Martin is widely known for his talent playing what stringed instrument? Answer: Banjo
  • What's the only bird that can swim, but not fly? Answer: Penguin
  • These popular nuts are a member of the peach family. What are they? Answer: Almonds
  • “He likes it! Hey Mikey!” is the memorable line from what TV commercial? Answer: Life cereal
  • Farrokh Bulsara is the real name of what famous rock band lead? Answer: Queen's Freddie Mercury
  • What animal's pee glows under ultraviolet light? Answer: Cat
  • Which grows faster, your toenails or your fingernails? Answer: Fingernails
  • In 1958, Sheb Wooley recorded what popular novelty song about a creature with one long horn and one big eye? Answer: “The Purple People Eater”
  • Chromophobia is the fear of what? Answer: Colors
  • Your olfactory nerve helps you do what? Answer: Smell
50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (4)
  • With a brain the size of a walnut, this dinosaur was far and away the dumbest. Answer: Stegosaurus
  • What's the national animal of Scotland? Answer: The unicorn
  • The line, “Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries” is from what 1975 movie?Answer: “Monty Python and the Holy Grail”
  • Chicken feed was the original name for what yellow, orange and white candy? Answer: Candy corn
  • If shaved, guinea pigs look exactly like which (much larger) animal? Answer: Hippos
  • What is the French word for passing gas? Answer: Pet
  • Fish that keep the eggs of their offspring in their mouths are known as what? Answer: Mouthbrooders
  • What was the original title of the TV show "Seinfeld"? Answer: “The Seinfeld Chronicles”
50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (5)
  • What is Billie Eilish's full name? Answer: Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O’Connell
  • What animal burps when it's happy? Answer: Gorilla
  • What is the longest country name in the world? Answer: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • What monarch was portrayed as a corgi in the 2015 animated Mickey Mouse short “One Man Band”? Answer: Queen Elizabeth II
  • What legendary musician played himself in an episode of the TV show “New Girl”? Answer: Prince
  • A flamboyance is what to call a group of these animals. Answer: Flamingos
50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (6)
  • Bibliosmia is a term that describes the love of what? Answer: The smell of old books
  • How many hairs are on an average person's head? Answer: Approximately 100,000
  • About how many words is a dog able to learn? Answer: 165
  • Where is the largest desert on earth? Answer: Antarctica
  • At 24 minutes and 37 seconds, Croatian freediver, Budimir Šobat, broke a world record in 2021 doing what? Answer: Holding his breath
  • Which two states make it illegal to get married on a dare? Answer: Colorado and Delaware

Sarah Lemire

Sarah is a lifestyle and entertainment reporter for TODAY who covers holidays, celebrities and everything in between.

50 trivia questions and answers to test your IQ and tickle your funny bone (2024)


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50 Funny Trivia Questions And Answers That You Won't Believe Are Real
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General knowledge
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101 Hard Trivia Questions and Answers
  • What Icelandic geothermal location shares the same name as a 1980 film? ...
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  • Which ocean has more coastline on it – the Pacific or the Atlantic?
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Bet you didn't know.....
  • It is impossible for most people to lick their own elbow. ...
  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out.
  • A shrimp's heart is in its head.
  • It is physically impossible for pigs to look up into the sky.

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Best general trivia questions
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

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Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.